S4GA - Helipad and Airport Lighting Company
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Oct 09 2022

Mexican CAA Certified S4GA Solar Airfield Lighting

afac_logoWe are proud to announce that a few weeks ago, all S4GA solar airfield lights have been certified by Mexican Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil AFAC  for permanent usage at commercial and domestic airports in Mexico. We thank our regional partner – TD&IS Company – for an undisputably great contribution to the delivery of solar AGL technology to the Mexican market and to AFAC certification of S4GA products in particular.

Reliability and high performance of S4GA systems have been already approved by multiple applications in Latin America as well as around the World. So far, S4GA products have been certified not only by AFAC but by CAAs, Airport Authorities, and independent accredited laboratories in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Benefits of solar airfield lighting for Airports in Latin America

S4GA solar airfield lighting has been already recognized as the most cost-effective and reliable solution for regional and domestic airports on all continents. For airfields, airports, aerodromes, and air bases located in Mexico and other Latin American countries, the key benefits would be as follows:

  • Affordable price
  • Fast & easy installation
  • Simple maintenance
  • Solar-powered
  • Compliance with regional and international aviation requirements

Where can I find AFAC certificates?

All certificates are available for download in the Certificates section. You can also request certificates from S4GA Team by contacting us at [email protected].

Request certificates