S4GA - Helipad and Airport Lighting Company
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Oct 15 2024

S4GA & Dewhurst Airfield Services Showcase Solar Lighting Solutions at UK Workshop 2024

Dewhurst S4GA Workshop UK Attendees
S4GA and Dewhurst Airfield Services, a respected UK-based airfield lighting installer and S4GA partner, joined forces once again for an impactful workshop in the UK. Organized by Dewhurst, the event took place on 18 September at Gatwick Airport, Horley, England, and highlighted the versatility of solar airfield lighting solutions and their applications across UK airports.

Solar Airfield Lighting Workshop Highlights

S4GA representative Dmytro Kuczeruk, along with David Howells and Derek Calloway from Dewhurst Airfield Services, shared insights on how solar airfield lighting can benefit regional and municipal airports in the UK. We talked about recent successful installations and the practical advantages of our solutions.

Attendees got the chance to explore S4GA’s solar airfield lighting up close, interact with our products, and join a lively Q&A session to discuss their specific needs. The event offered a unique opportunity to:

Workshop Moments

Participants had a great time engaging directly with our experts and trying out our equipment – making UK Workshop 2024 truly unforgettable! We also captured some amazing moments with great photoshoots that highlighted the best parts of the event and participant interactions.


S4GA workshops bring together aviation experts to explore and experience solar airfield lighting solutions firsthand. It’s a great opportunity to learn about the benefits of solar lighting for airports. Interested in joining the next workshop?

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